Personal injury and family law are complicated areas and become even more so when they overlap, as when during a divorce settlement one or both spouses is victim of a personal injury accident. Following are some practical tips from both perspectives to help attorneys avoid potential hazards and pitfalls during representation.


Your first opportunity to identify potential conflicts as early as possible in the attorney-client relationship is during the initial consultation. This is foundational.

Family law attorneys regularly screen their clients for marital relationships, separating (or separated) couples, divorcing spouses and child custody issues, but many personal injury attorneys fail to ask these questions. This can put your attorney-client relationships and your fees at risk. By identifying these relationships early in the representation, attorneys can see and explore conflicts. Simply learning the full names of your potential client’s partner, children, stepchildren and other individuals residing in their home, enables you to identify current or prior conflicts and either obtain informed consent and waivers or refer the party to another lawyer.