Your firm is putting pressure on you to bring in business. You want to bring in business but the idea of asking for work literally terrifies you or flat out does not agree with you. If you absolutely, or even just a little, detest the idea of trying to bring in business, help is here. There are easy things you can do which do not involve putting your ego out there and suffering a possible rejection.

Hang out with clients you already work for. Existing clients are often called “the low hanging fruit” and there is good reason for that. Once a client engages you, they really want to have a successful relationship with you. They want to keep their work with you because it is an enormous hassle and use of valuable time to start the attorney search process again. Therefore, visit your clients off the clock. Take a tour of their businesses, learn how they make money and meet their key people. Remember, they already like you. They will like you more if they feel you are invested in their professional and personal world — and have taken precious time to actually get to know them better. You are not asking for work but visiting to do better work for them in the future.

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