In my last article (“My Night With a Few Multimillion-Dollar Rainmakers,” published April 24 in The Legal ), I shared some observations and tips that I garnered from meeting with a handful of rainmakers who each had $5 million to more than $20 million in business annually. I was amazed at the enormous response to the article and especially floored by how many other extremely successful lawyers wrote me wanting me to tell their story. So without further adieu, and because you asked for it, here are more tried and true tips and reflections from the real McCoy lawyers who make it look easy and continue to bring in millions to their firms year after year.
Tip: Hire the best people to support your practice and recognize their work. Great rainmakers surround themselves with a team of really smart and engaged people who help them do great work for the client. From the secretary to the lawyers who work on the matters, the most successful lawyers told me that hiring the right people was key to their success. These rainmakers also make it a point to regularly praise their team members both publicly and in private and such praise is a huge motivating factor to their employees.
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