This is the time of year when it is still somewhat dark out as I walk into my office —which only makes the blinking voicemail signal seem more ominous as it annoyingly flashes in the dark corner of my desk. What is the blinking light warning me about? Is the father of someone’s child being “unfair” and not consenting to a non-emergent medical procedure without getting a second opinion? Does someone want me to file an expedited custody petition because the mother of someone’s child kept them away on vacation an extra day? What does the blinking light have in store for me today? Who wants what now?

Last month, I wrote an article focusing on how we, as family law attorneys, could behave better and more civil when interacting with our adversaries. This month, I want to focus on how we, as family law attorneys, must also rein in our emotional clients by being better with them.

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