Although efforts to increase diversity within law firms have improved, the number of women of color in management and leadership positions continues to lag. In a world where women are expected to "lean in" and not talk themselves out of opportunities, how can women of color advance to the top positions within firms when so few of them are there now, and so few places have the right systems in place to ensure success?
A place where institutional value is sometimes only judged by the number of hours billed, law firms have inherent roadblocks and barriers to success. The long, daunting hours, the inadequate time with family and friends, and the high stress levels all factor into steady attrition rates among all attorneys, especially as Generation X and Millennials strive for greater work-life balance. Setting aside the natural departure of attorneys at firms, women of color have consistently left at much higher rates and reported higher levels of dissatisfaction concerning opportunities, integration, mentorships and sponsorships.