Texting while driving is illegal in Pennsylvania. There is currently no other activity involving the handheld use of electronic devices that is illegal in Pennsylvania, but that does not mean that use of these devices while driving, for purposes other than texting, is safe. As lawyers, we are busy, trying to be as productive as we can, and often are traveling in our cars. It is not just teens, our children, who seek instant access and responses. Our cars can become extensions of our offices and many lawyers will drive while distracted, texting, reading or sending emails, or accessing the Internet on cellphones. As lawyers, parents and leaders in our communities, we have an obligation to drive safely and minimize distractions, setting an example for others to follow.
Encouraging Employees to Take Chances While Driving?
Have we provided cellphones to our staff, in part, so that they will always be accessible? When reaching out to our staff or co-workers, do we consider whether they are driving and whether it is safe for them to be speaking with us or responding to electronic communications? If asked, would our employees say that we demand instant responses from them, irrespective of whether they are driving or it is safe to respond? Do we routinely call or communicate with our offices while driving, maybe even scheduling calls for our drives to and from work?
Teaching Our Children About Distracted Driving
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