New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has taken an enormous amount of heat recently for vetoing a law that would have banned the use of gestation crates in New Jersey. Christie took the position that there were so few breeding sows in New Jersey that the legislature’s passing of the bill was just political pandering, referring to it as a solution in search of a problem.

While many cultural allusions to pigs exist in contemporary books and movies, including “Charlotte’s Web” and “Babe,” to name just two, many people remain oblivious to how the bacon or ham on their plate actually got there. The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) has worked on this issue extensively through both negotiating with large pork producers and retailers and spearheading ballot initiatives in states such as Florida and Arizona that have resulted in bans of the use of gestation crates in those states. In the European Union, which has often taken the lead on animal welfare issues, member nations began phasing out gestation crates in 2001 and they are now completely banned except during the first four weeks of pregnancy.

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