The anti-LGBT rights movement has reached the height of absurdity and in doing so opens up the floodgates for people to legally channel their bigotry and hatred into the political discourse. On March 25, California Attorney General Kamala Harris asked a court to intervene and allow her to block a reprehensible ballot measure proposed by a California attorney titled the Sodomite Suppression Act (SSA), which authorizes the public to shoot gays and lesbians in the head. Yes, in the very state of California, we are dealing with a proposed law making being gay punishable by death.
The proposed ballot measure was introduced by an attorney from Huntington Beach, California, Matt McLaughlin, who paid $200 to file the measure. It refers to “sodomy” as “a monstrous evil” and says that anyone who touches another person of the same gender for sexual gratification be put to death by “bullets to the head or any other convenient method.” McLaughlin’s proposed ballot measure also requires that anyone who transmits “sodomistic propaganda” to a minor be fined $1 million per offense, imprisoned up to 10 years, or expelled from the state. Should the measure be cleared for circulation, McLaughlin would have 180 days to collect the 365,880 signatures needed to put the measure on the ballot.
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