Memorializing events has become easy, particularly with the advent of smartphones that incorporate cameras, video cameras and voice recorders. Parents often want to record significant events in their child’s school life: starring in the school play on opening night, scoring a goal during a championship soccer match or participating in the annual spelling bee. But when it comes to meetings between parents and teachers or school administrators, particularly in the context of an individualized education program (IEP) team meeting, are recordings permitted? The answer to this question in Pennsylvania schools is: It depends.
Indeed, an IEP team meeting can last a long time and can be detailed as it involves discussions about a student’s school successes, behaviors, goals and accomplishments, as well as the special education supports and services offered by the school district. Consequently, any member of the IEP team, including the parents, the student’s regular and special education teachers, and the school district’s representative(s), might believe that it would be beneficial to record the meeting in order to document what was discussed and the plan moving forward. Although the IEP itself will describe the special education plan moving forward, during the planning phases, the information discussed will be comprehensive.
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