I was told three stories this month by different lawyers that I must share with you. Each tale made me realize that some very small gestures—made by lawyers—can have a profound impact on their clients. At a time when marketing budgets are stressed, lawyers should view these stories as a kind of roadmap into what they could be doing to strengthen bonds with clients at a minimal cost. Two of the stories involve no out-of-pocket expense—at all. All three stories involve acts of kindness done by the lawyers to their clients—which have now resulted in these same lawyers getting more work and referrals from these happy clients.

The first tale is from a family lawyer. She said that she was retained by a client recently and she did two things she had never done before. Both cost nothing and took less than 10 minutes of her time. But the thanks, gratitude and ultimately, referrals she received from her client were remarkable. What had she done? First, she called the client the day after being retained to let the client know that she had started work on her case and would do everything in her power to help her. One week later, she called the client again just to check in to see how she was doing—off the clock—to let her know the status of her case and thank her for the privilege of being asked to help. The client responded to these two phone calls by telling “all of her friends” how thoughtful and personal her lawyer was. And yes, she gave her name and contact information out many times.

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