Technology is changing how clients make legal purchasing decisions. In a Mad Clientist blog post from February titled “How Clients Hire: 6 Demands and Rewards from the New Generation GC” by Michael Rynowecer of the BTI Consulting Group, Rynowecer describes how the “next generation of GCs and CLOs” are taking over and how they increasingly rely on technology in their hiring process. One takeaway from conversations he had with more than 100 general counsel (GCs) and chief legal officers (CLOs) is that they are conducting more “pre-hire due diligence than you can imagine,” and most of this due diligence occurs online, before you ever speak—that is, if you ever speak.
The due diligence process might start with a referral from existing clients, colleagues and others in the industry or market vertical, but then clients head to their computers or, increasingly, to their mobile phones or tablets, to gather as much information as they can through digital means. Your potential clients Google. They look for common connections on LinkedIn, check out outside counsel with their peers, and look to see if the firm’s attorneys have been quoted or published in credible, independent publications in their industries. And they thoroughly review a firm’s website and its attorneys’ bios—all before ever picking up the phone or contacting anyone at the firm.
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