In 1982, Mike Kunz, clerk of court, was told by his secretary that there was an attorney on the phone who insisted on talking to Kunz. It was the prominent Philadelphia attorney, Harold Kohn. “Mike,” said an exasperated Kohn, “I need your help.” Kohn, who had become famous for bringing class action lawsuits against major electrical companies, was calling Kunz for his personal assistance in a case he had filed before Judge Edward Roy Becker of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. In the 30 years that followed, this type of call would not be unusual. There would be many Harold Kohns, many federal judges, many prosecutors, and ordinary citizens who would place similar calls and ask Kunz for help. They always received it.
Kunz retired as clerk of court of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on July 1, after serving 54 years in the clerk’s office. Kunz was hired for the entry position of deputy clerk on Feb. 1, 1962. He served as chief deputy from 1975 to 1979, and clerk of court from May 1, 1979, until his retirement. During this time, he saw the court grow in size. When Kunz was appointed clerk in 1979, there were 20 district court judges, four magistrate judges and 50 employees in the clerk’s office. Today, there are 34 district court judges, 12 magistrate judges and over 200 employees at the clerk’s office.
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