One of the things I love about being a law firm marketing consultant is I get to watch firms innovate on ways to retain clients and get new ones. In the last few months, several “new” marketing activities have come to my attention that I thought were absolutely terrific. Full disclaimer—I do not work with any of these firms but truly salute their ingenuity.
• Winston & Strawn: (OK, I was a summer associate there in 1982, but never helped them with marketing.) They have come up with one of the best “client alerts” I have seen. Called “Advertising Law Snapshots,” the literally colorful alert gives readers an incredibly short (less than 100 words), 30,000-foot view of a legal decision or regulatory change. It takes seconds to read or skim, and you get right to the bottom line of what you need to know about the decision. Take the July 28, post entitled: “FTC Recommends Changes Re ‘Made in America.’” There are headings to explain what was the factual allegation in the case, what the FTC determined and what was the remedial plan. Good stuff.
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