According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), approximately 2 million employees are victims of workplace violence each year. Eighteen percent of violent crimes are committed at the workplace, and roughly 800 workplace homicides occur each year. Between January 2009 and July 2015, there were 133 mass shootings in the workplace and shootings account for 78 percent of all workplace homicides. Violence in the workplace must be a top concern for employers as no organization is immune from workplace violence and no organization can completely prevent it. As tragic events like the December 2015 San Bernardino Inland Regional Center shooting massacre, which occurred at a holiday party, illustrate—workplace violence can occur at any place and any time.
Workplace violence includes verbal and written threats (direct or indirect) and threatening body language, harassment, stalking, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the worksite, including physical assaults. Threats can be delivered in-person, through letters, phone calls, texts, social media or electronic mail. Workplace violence comes from both internal sources, including supervisors, co-workers, contractors, vendors and service providers, as well as external sources, including applicants, customers, criminals, former employees, present and past friends, and family members.
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