There are some lawyers who really get it. They have found the secret to getting great business: notably, they have carved out specific niches for their practices and thus have seized both the limelight and newfound revenue. I thought it would be helpful to look at exactly how they did it. So, as they say on “Law and Order”: These are their stories!
Patricia Hamill: Hamill is one of the most accomplished commercial litigator, white collar and federal equity receivership lawyers in the city. She is the co-chair of Conrad O’Brien’s complex commercial litigation practice group. But while I know she is one of the most respected members of the Philadelphia Bar, after more than 25 years of practice, she went ahead and re-branded herself a fourth major practice area. She is now one of the country’s leading lawyers defending college students nationwide when they face disciplinary charges, possible expulsion and criminal charges in Title IX proceedings for alleged sexual misconduct on campus. The other part of her practice in this area involves representing students in litigation or threatened litigation against their colleges or universities in the wake of an adverse disciplinary finding or sanction.
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