The Legal will be presenting another group of Pennsylvania luminaries with Lifetime Achievement Awards this year. Our focus in selecting this group of noteworthy individuals was to represent the figures who have helped to shape the law in Pennsylvania, whether through their work on the bench, assisting those in need of legal services, building a firm or any other means. We had only a select few requirements: the attorney must have had a distinct impact on the legal profession in the state and must still be practicing law.
Selecting these winners was not a simple process. We began by consulting trusted members of the community for their recommendations of attorneys to consider, as well as mining the knowledge of our experienced staff. We ended up with a list of names more than three times as long as the one you see below. It would have been easy to honor far more attorneys, but through several rounds of discussion, we pared down the list. We feel these attorneys represent the best the Pennsylvania legal community has to offer. They have collectively moved forward the legal profession in the state, helped foster the legal education of younger attorneys and stood as examples of some of the best virtues of Pennsylvania attorneys.
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