January 18, 2005 | Law.com
Harassment Complaint Procedure: Who Should Hear Grievances?Just as important as having a specific harassment policy is having a complaint procedure that attorneys and non-attorneys alike can to use to remedy actual and perceived wrongs.
By Jonathan Segal
4 minute read
August 24, 2006 | National Law Journal
No time for part-time?The district attorney of Nassau County, N.Y., Kathleen Rice, recently announced that prosecutors who do not agree to work full-time will be given no time. In other words, work full-time or be fired.
By Jonathan Segal/Special to The National Law Journal
5 minute read
February 21, 2012 | Corporate Counsel
From the Experts: 7 Ways Employers Can Protect Their Ass(ets)A list of seven action items for employers to help minimize exposure to labor and employment law litigation.
By Jonathan Segal
9 minute read
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