Melissa Hazell Davis

Melissa Hazell Davis

August 16, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

Navigating Conflicting Laws, Regulations When It Comes to Implementing DEI Policies in the Workplace

Conflicting laws and regulations that vary significantly between the states create a challenging roadmap filled with obstacles for employers. Here are just a few best practices for law firms and companies to navigate what is now a balancing act when it comes to DEI in the workplace.

By Jessica L. Mazzeo and Melissa Hazell Davis

9 minute read

May 30, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

AI Is Our Friend: Using Advancements in Technology Ethically and Responsibly

Technology is here to stay and its role in how we lawyer will only grow. But it is important that we as lawyers learn how to use and embrace existing and future technology responsibly without shirking our professional and ethical responsibilities.

By Melissa Hazell Davis

4 minute read

January 16, 2024 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Case for the Use of E-Discovery Software in All Matters

Several efficient platforms are available for use that streamline the process, making the technology more accessible to lawyers on all matters (regardless of size) with any budget.

By Melissa Hazell Davis

5 minute read

January 12, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer

Cost-Saving Measures Are No Excuse for Discovery Failures

While searching and retrieving information from platforms recently emerging in popularity (like Slack) is not always easy, courts are not sympathetic to the difficulties parties face during data collection and review since collection and review is possible with most reputable e-discovery vendors.

By Melissa Hazell Davis

5 minute read

November 23, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Stagnation and the Law: When Diversity Efforts Flounder

The diversity that exists in law school classrooms across this country does not translate to the law firms who hire those students, and unsurprisingly, the higher up the ladder at law firms one looks, the less diverse its makeup.

By Melissa Hazell Davis

6 minute read

June 27, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Make Room Millennials: Gen Zs Are Coming to Law Firms

With the first members of Generation Z (anyone born from 1997 onward) moving into the workforce this year, there will be more generations in the workforce than ever before (five!).

By Melissa Hazell Davis

6 minute read

March 07, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Can You Tell Me a Little About Yourself?: Hiring Biases on College Campuses

The effects of implicit bias create huge potential for age, race and gender discrimination on college campuses—not only in the faculty recruiting process, but also in the recruiting process for students on campus.

By Melissa Hazell Davis and Fara A. Cohen

7 minute read

June 28, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer

Medical Marijuana and the Effect of Legalization on College Campuses

With society's ever-evolving approach to marijuana, colleges and universities across the country, including those here in Pennsylvania, are now faced with a complex dilemma: enforce federal regulations in order to maintain federal funding or risk that funding by recognizing their state's mandate to permit marijuana use.

By Melissa Hazell Davis and Fara A. Cohen

1 minute read