Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday named 33 new judges to California's trial courts and elevated two sitting judges to appellate positions.

Among the elevations is Judge Mary Greenwood, who has sat on the Santa Clara Superior Court bench since 2012. Greenwood was appointed to the Sixth District Court of Appeal in San Jose filling a vacancy left when Justice Miguel Marquez resigned last year to become the chief operating officer of Santa Clara County. Greenwood, a veteran of Santa Clara County Alternate Defender's Office and the Coblentz, Patch, Duffy & Bass law firm, still must be confirmed by the Commission on Judicial Appointments.

Among the trial court appointments was Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe partner Lauri Damrell, whom the governor appointed to the Sacramento Superior Court bench. Damrell, part of the Orrick team that provides State Assembly employees and lawmakers training on sexual harassment laws and policies, recently testified before a committee considering hiring independent investigators to handle allegations of harassment at the state house.


Here are the two press releases naming all of the governor's most recent appointments: