Who are the leading women in tech law? The Recorder seeks nominations for lawyers handling game-changing, law-shaping, market-moving work in and around the tech sector. Women Leaders in Tech Law celebrates the recent achievements of lawyers from all practice disciplines whose work is focused on tech companies and issues. Nominees must primarily practice in California. We encourage nominations of in-house counsel, judges/neutrals and lawyers at nonprofits and public agencies as well as lawyers practicing in private firms of all sizes.

Nominations are due June 29. NOTE: Prior winners ARE eligible!

Click Here to Submit a Nomination for Women Leaders in Tech Law.

This year, we will also be seeking out nominees for the Next Generation of Women Leaders. We invite all prior honorees to nominate a junior colleague for recognition based both her work and promise as a leader in technology and the law.

Next Generation nominees must be in their first 10 years of practice. Honorees can send an email to Ross Todd ([email protected]) with the Next Generation nominee's name, Please copy your marketing department in the email so we can follow up with them for details.

Women Leaders in Tech Law will still require completion of the survey. Next Generation nominations that aren't from a past honoree will also require completion of the survey.

Click Here to Submit a Nomination for Women Leaders in Tech Law.