Julie Q. Brush, Solutus Legal Search.

Q: I'm thinking about accepting a “quasi-legal” job offer. Will this hurt my chances of finding a future legal position in a law firm or company?

A: Generally speaking, lawyers who take “quasi-legal” paths (i.e., no J.D. required, but position may be housed in Legal or work closely with the department) experience a tough time getting back in the pure legal fast lane once they decide to shift back. But making the switch is not impossible. The ability to succeed depends on several factors:

The Type and Quality of the “Quasi-Legal” Role

If the position you are contemplating helps you develop transferable skills back to the legal world, it can help make the transition easier. These skills don't have to be legal, but can include other areas of expertise like finance, real estate, tax, and writing, drafting and negotiating.