This story is reprinted with permission from FC&S Legal, the industry's only comprehensive digital resource designed for insurance coverage law professionals. Visit the website to subscribe. The Case The Release

hereby release[s] and discharge[s] [Valley Forge] . . . of and from any and all claims, actions o[r] causes of action known or unknown, which [Mr. Valle] now ha[s] or may hereafter have on account of or arising out of [the] motor vehicle collision with an uninsured motorist which occurred on or about October 5, 2010 . . . resulting in alleged general and special damages, including, but not limited to, personal injuries, medical expenses, future medical expenses, loss of income, loss of earning capacity, property damage, loss of use of property, and pain and suffering.

It is understood and agreed that this is a full and final release applying to all unknown and unanticipated injuries, deaths, losses or damages arising out of said incident or accident, as well as to those now known or disclosed.

The District Court's Decision all losses or damages Valle v. Valley Forge Ins. Co., No. 17-cv-01048 MCE CKD (E.D. Cal. June 29, 2018) Steven A. Meyerowitz Esq FC&S Legal Insurance Coverage Law Report FC&S Legal FC&S Legal