Siana Lowrey, Cooley partner(Photo: Jason Doiy/ALM) Siana Lowrey, Cooley partner. Photo: Jason Doiy/ALM

Cooley partner Siana Lowrey was one of the lead outside counsel on Uber's initial public offering, the largest tech IPO in the past five years and the ninth-largest deal of any industry ever to hit U.S. markets. Lowrey, who is being recognized as one of 21 Women Leaders in Tech Law as part of The Recorder's California Leaders in Tech Law and Innovation Awards, recently reflected on her accomplishments of the past year.

The Recorder: What's your proudest professional achievement of the past year and why?

Siana Lowrey: At the risk of stating the obvious: Having the opportunity to help drive and shape one of the most anticipated IPOs of my career. Well before we represented Uber, it was a company that had actually changed my life (I still remember the two-hour wait for a cab that led me to download the Uber app eight years ago … ), and I feel so lucky to have played a role in this transaction and work with a company like Uber on the cutting edge of technology and innovation. And I had a ton of fun doing it.

What's your proudest personal achievement of the past year and why?

I just celebrated my 10-year wedding anniversary with my husband. I wouldn't really call that an achievement, because the fact is he makes life easier (commence the eye rolls!). But I think it's important to acknowledge that personal relationships are just as vital to careers as professional ones, and you don't have to sacrifice one for the other.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to a woman starting out in tech law?

Don't let one person's idea of success convince you that it can't be done another way. I think it's easy to opt out of a particular path early in your career because you don't identify with people "at the top." But we don't all fit that mold, and sometimes we need help from others to convince us that we belong (and to help change that mold!). Be true to yourself, and find your advocates, whatever your path may be.

What concrete steps could be made to increase the number of women in tech law?

More women and minorities in leadership positions. It's incredibly important for attracting and retaining new talent to have multiple, diverse models at all levels, but especially in roles with influence in an organization.