Walgreens on Geary and Taylor in San Francisco on April, 3, 2020 (Photo: Jason Doiy/ALM) Walgreens on Geary and Taylor in San Francisco on April, 3, 2020 (Photo: Jason Doiy/ALM)

With many businesses across the country starting to reopen this week, or preparing to soon, Stanford University law professor Joseph Grundfest has been receiving calls from general counsel seeking help with the searchable COVID-19 Memo Database.

Professor Joseph A. Grundfest of Stanford Law School Professor Joseph A. Grundfest of Stanford Law School

Grundfest, who created the database, said he received a call on May 2 from a general counsel of a major diversified firm, whose identity he can't disclose. The GC was looking for guidance related to the possibility of opening facilities ranging from office space to retail to manufacturing in a range of geographies.

"We quickly found 12 memos from 12 different firms, with some international perspective, all within the last two weeks," Grundfest said. "And there are many more on the site."

He said they searched first for the term "employer" and then for the term "return."

"Here's what we found in less than two minutes," he said, referring to the list of memos. "You aren't going to find this by sifting through your inbox if you are a general counsel."

Here are the memos Grundfest found related to reopening for business:

COVID-19 Update: Practical Considerations for Employers as They Prepare for a Return to the Workplace

Understanding the Challenges of Workplace and Business Re-Opening

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Key Considerations in Designing a Return to Work Plan

Are Your Retail Workers Ready to Return to Work? OSHA Releases New Guidance

Employer Readiness for Employees' Return to the Worksite

COVID-19 Response—Return-to-Work Considerations for Employers

EEOC Issues "Return to Work" COVID-19 Guidelines for Employers

Debevoise Coronavirus Checklists— Top 10 Return to Work Considerations for U.S. Employers

Read More:

Stanford's COVID-19 Memo Database Cuts Coronavirus 'Noise' for In-House Counsel

Stanford Law School Creates Free Database of COVID-19 Legal Memos