In a May 11th article, Michael Bloomberg wrote, "States that are reopening their economies, even as cases of COVID-19 are still rising, are threatening their own residents and the whole country. But they are also running into two challenges that all states will face: Employees don't want to return to work if they fear exposure to coronavirus on the job, and employers don't want to get sued if their workers or customers end up sick."

Related: Managing risk as businesses reopen after COVID-19

Understandably, many businesses are eager to reopen to make up for weeks of business loss. But the coronavirus risk remains. Experts agree that the only way the U.S. can fully reopen economies is through widespread testing. However, the U.S. only conducts an average of 248,000 tests daily. And the latest projection from Harvard's Global Health Institute suggests the country should perform more than 900,000 a day in order to phase out social distancing measures safely.

Until then, businesses will have to enforce social distancing and rely on health and safety protocols to keep employees and customers as safe as possible.

The infographic below outlines the best practices for reopening businesses during the coronavirus pandemic, from futureWork.