Growing law firms and outside legal recruiters are deeply intertwined and for the most part, have a mutually beneficial relationship. Law firms and legal recruiters are stuck together—like it or not—but they each have a different set of rules, one is regulated and the other is not. Unlike regulated industries, some legal recruiting firms have made their own set of rules that can change on a dime and disrupt the entire market, especially when it comes to their noncompetes and traveling confidential information.

Rotating talent and assets is not fun or easy. When you humanize it, there are going-away parties, promises to stay in touch and sometimes tears. In finance and law, if someone has a book of business or direct contact with clients, there is usually a swift and immediate departure that takes an office by shock for days. Many times, they have a security escort out of the building. They walk by their co-workers they have known for years who have become like family. They can't say anything to anyone so most everyone is in shock and shaken. These producers have to be stealth about their departures because a whiff of it can be costly. You also do not tell anyone even your best friend because the remaining producers become sharks who try to retain the top clients.

Sharon Mahn, CEO and founder of Mahn Consulting, poses with her medals after a marathon in Japan. Courtesy photo Sharon Mahn, CEO and founder of Mahn Consulting, poses with her medals after a marathon in Japan. Courtesy photo