If you are considering lateraling to another firm, there is no more pivotal time in your legal career than the fifth year of practice. Your fifth year is when you should start thinking about finding a new job if you're not happy with your current one. Do not stop. Do not pass go. Get your resume ready, think about what you want out of your next job, and get in a mindset to move. If you are truly happy where you are and it's going to get you where you want to go (in-house, to partnership), count yourself lucky and then sit pretty.

In many professions, seniority is a pure asset. I personally prefer a doctor with some grey hair. In lateral law firm moves, seniority tips over and becomes a hindrance for many roles starting in the sixth year. This isn't a complete blanket rule; I occasionally see a rare role for a very senior associate, but these are often not partnership track or they're hyper-niche.