The Third Appellate District affirmed a judgment. The court held in the published portion of its opinion that 1) sufficient evidence was presented to support a jury’s conclusion that the victim’s death was caused by a firearm, 2) certain out-of-court statements made by the victim prior to her death were properly admitted to show her fear for her personal safety, 3) out-of-court statements by both the victim and the defendant establishing that he kicked the family dog to death were properly admitted to show the victim’s fearful state of mind and the defendant’s propensity to commit acts of domestic violence, and 4) expert witness testimony was relevant and probative on the issue of why the defendant did not leave her husband or report acts of domestic violence to the police.

Paul Kovacich and his wife, Janet, were married in 1973. Paul and Janet had two children. Janet lived at home. Paul worked as a sergeant in the Placer County Sheriff’s department. Paul worked as a police dog handler.