In our new digital society, conducting research is easier and more convenient than ever. New, powerful, easy-to-use research databases make it possible to stay in an office all day with a closed door, cutting off human interaction and potential opportunities to learn about new sources, laws, current affairs, research content and search functionality. Staying well-educated is the key differentiator between a good attorney and a great attorney. A knowledgeable practitioner serves clients more efficiently. While technology creates the ability to discover a vast amount of knowledge, sometimes the most useful knowledge comes from a live human being. It’s time to get up from behind the desk and see what can be gained by taking the quick trip to the firm’s knowledge center, the library. Start taking advantage of free untapped knowledge that if missed can be detrimental to one’s practice.

There are so many resources that come from the library besides the obvious, books. Librarians hold more information than imaginable that can easily be overlooked. Not only are they professional researchers; they are by far the most resourceful part of your practice. If they don’t know an answer, they will find it. If you need access to a source, they will get it. If you don’t know where to look, they will guide you. Most importantly, a librarian keeps up to date on new sources available, current affairs and changes in technology. They continually educate themselves so they can be a reliable resource. Technology can’t replace the extensive knowledge of a librarian. Librarians are not only willing to share knowledge with you, but also guide you to many different resources, such as on-site "live" support to keep the firm current with the latest technology and sources to make attorneys more efficient researchers.