Litigation isn’t for everyone, or for everything—but sometimes it’s the only thing. Those are the times when the departments and lawyers featured here shine brightest.

We have selected standout litigation departments based on outcomes in client matters in the 18 months ending Dec. 31, 2014. To determine our winners, Recorder editors pored over more than 200 nominations from almost 60 law firms detailing litigation engagements led by California lawyers. Some disputes involved plausible 10-figure demands. Others threatened the fate of a product line, or the entire company. We looked for evidence of creativity, cunning and brute force. High stakes trial wins mattered most.
We have also recognized a handful of lawyers tasked with the all-but-impossible: Rescuing a lost case, finding a way over the insurmountable obstacle, beating a foe with a bottomless litigation budget.
And finally, we honor the in-house lawyers whose decisions—on what, where, when and how to fight, and who to hire—set their companies on a winning course.
If you like litigation, we think you’ll be inspired by the stories we’ve assembled.


Latham & Watkins

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