Leonard J. Dietzen III

Leonard J. Dietzen III

January 10, 2023 | Daily Business Review

The Who, What, Where and Why of Fla.'s Public Records Law, and How to Avoid Pitfalls

Public agencies commonly slip up when navigating Florida's public records law, which can result in costly litigation and judgments for fees. An understanding of the basics of Florida's laws is critical to preventing errors before they occur.

By Jeffrey Grosholz and Leonard Dietzen

6 minute read

February 24, 2020 | Daily Business Review

Florida Considers Several Bills That Will Impact Florida Employers

Currently, the Florida legislature is brewing with bills that will have an impact on Florida's employers if they become law. These bills cover a wide variety of issues including parental leave, medical marijuana, gender identity, sexual orientation and race discrimination.

By Leonard Dietzen and Vaughn Glinton Jr.

6 minute read