Publication Date: 2015-04-06
Practice Area:
Date Filed: 2015-04-03
Court: C.A. 1st
Attorneys: For plaintiff: Attorneys for Cross-defendant, Cross-complainant and Appellant: Plageman, Lund & Cannon, LLP, Richard W. Lund, Shana Margolis Goldberg
for defendant: Attorneys for Cross-complainant Cross-defendant and Respondent and for Cross-defendant and Respondent: Gordon, Watrous, Ryan, Langley, Bruno & Paltenghi, Dylan T. Radke, Hill, Farrer & Burrill, LLP, Paul M. Porter, McNamara, Ney, Beatty, Slattery, Borges & Ambacher, LLP, Timothy J. Ryan
Case Number: No. A139091
Cite as 14 C.D.O.S. 3375 CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, Cross-complainant, Cross-defendant and Respondent, v.p class="c