New York Law Journal

Complaint Accuses Leading Mortgage Lender of Shorting Investors of at Least $3.25M

Plaintiff HBK Master Fund filed suit against NewRez LLC and Deutsche Bank National Trust Co., alleging the mortgage lender shorted trust investors by some $3.25 million.
2 minute read

Daily Report Online

Great American Sues Augusta Hospital for Allegedly Double-Billing Patient

This suit was surfaced by Radar. Read the complaint here.
1 minute read

New York Law Journal

Aerospace Company Facing $130 Million Lawsuit Over Alleged Fraud

Daher Aerospace Inc. is suing Triumph for fraudulent inducement of contract and breach of contract, claiming the Pennsylvania-based company did not reveal they were in continuous breach of multiple key preexisting customer contracts, including with their largest client, Boeing.
3 minute read

New York Law Journal

Reformation of Contract Based on Mutual Mistake

This column focuses on the first ground for seeking reformation, mutual mistake and addresses recent Commercial Division decisions that have struggled with that issue.
11 minute read

Legaltech News

LexCheck Launches DealDesk Services, Supplementing AI Review With Contract Lawyers

LexCheck CEO noted that the new offering, which looks to offer flexible staffing for LexCheck clients who need subsequent rounds of contract review, will be staffed in part by a "panel of lawyers" made up of individual contract negotiators subscribing to LexCheck.
3 minute read

Texas Lawyer

Disputed Naming Rights to a Library Persist in Courts After 3 Decades

The opinion, written by Justice Rosa Lopez Theofanis, agreed with the Hugheses' lawyers that the claim accrued in 2011 when the commissioners court named the library after the Stephenses.
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Pryor Cashman Repping Fashion House Kenneth Cole in $1.5M Royalty Dispute

CBD company hemp2lab has allegedly defaulted on their licensing agreement to use the fashion house's names on various products, like hand lotion, containing cannabidiol.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

The Exceptionally Broad Reach of New York's Franchise Law

Manufacturers, distributors, patent holders, consultants, retailers and others similarly situated often find themselves in business relationships that may trigger the broad reach of franchise laws. Indeed, those businesses who operate in New York would be wise to be particularly careful in light of New York's exceptionally broad statutory language.
6 minute read

Daily Report Online

Fruit Street Health Sues Sharecare, Seeking $25M for Alleged Breach of Fiduciary Duties

This suit was surfaced by Radar. Read the complaint here.
1 minute read

Legaltech News

Many CLM Providers Claim to Be End-To-End. Only Few Actually Are

The 2023 InnoLaw CLM Market Study from the InnoLaw Group includes an index of a hundred CLM vendors for in-house counsel—and only ten of the providers featured were true end-to-end systems.
4 minute read


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