Daily Business Review

Judge Publicly Reprimanded After Parkland School-Shooting Case

According to the commission's findings, the judge violated several rules governing judicial conduct during the trial, specifically in her interactions with Cruz's public defenders.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 22-145

May a court attorney-referee serve as a board member on a county board of ethics in a different county, where the board hears complaints and makes recommendations regarding sanctions?
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Central NY Town Judge Resigns Amid SCJC Probe Into Courthouse Financial Practices

Judicial conduct officials said it has accepted 128 such permanent resignation stipulations since the procedure was instituted in 2003.
2 minute read

New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 22-144

May a judge preside in a landlord's petition for nonpayment against certain tenants, given that, in the course of presiding in a code violation case, the judge learned the tenants vacated the premises over a month ago?
2 minute read

Should This Judge Recuse?/Long-Pending Appellate Nominee Confirmed

Bankruptcy Judge faces recusal motion due to her novel that allegedly mirrors -- and disparages -- the litigants.
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 22-143

A judge may take appropriate action to address disruptions of the court's docket by an attorney who, when regularly appearing of counsel to multiple law firms, engages in disrespectful conduct toward the court and staff, is uncooperative, refuses to discuss settlement of cases and is often unprepared.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 22-142

A judge may serve on a bar association's board of directors, even if another board member is a judicial candidate and the subject of unfavorable media attention concerning allegations of illegal drug use and dishonesty.
3 minute read

The Legal Intelligencer

Disciplinary Court Set to Hold Trial Over Phila. Judge's Social Media Posts

"This case admittedly presents a crossroads for Pennsylvania judicial discipline jurisprudence," the JCB wrote in a court filing.
4 minute read

New York Law Journal

Judicial Ethics Opinion 22-141

A judge who has been properly noticed to serve on a grand jury panel must report for service unless excused by the presiding judge, notwithstanding that many assistant district attorneys appear before them.
4 minute read

New Jersey Law Journal

Don't Send Your Regards: Optics Matter as Public Grows Skeptical of Judges

"This is the Kardashian era. Maybe our expectations are different. But I certainly wouldn't want to be pushing that boundary if I wanted to be a judge," ethics expert and law professor Tonja Jacobi of Emory University said.
7 minute read


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