Please see below some frequently asked questions around our Trailblazer series. Any other questions can go to [email protected].

Trailblazer nominations are generally open for four weeks per section. We solicit nominations via email, social media posts and digital advertising in our enewsletters and throughout Upon the closing of the nomination period (and the close date for any extensions), the nominations are sent to an outside panel. The panel reviews all the nominations sent in and chooses the strongest of the nominees to be named as honorees. While reviewing the nominations, the panel is looking for legal professionals who have made significant marks on the practice, policy and technological advancements in their sector. They are not just looking for lawyers who have worked on big deals, but are looking for agents of change! The attorney selected must be in good standing with the bar. We choose a handful of honorees from each firm size category: solo/small firm (1-50), midsize firm (51-250), large firm (251-500) and biglaw (500+).

Where can I view past Trailblazer honorees?

You can look through past Trailblazer sections at

What publication does Trailblazers publish through?

We publish the practice area-specific Trailblazers through The National Law Journal and the region-specific Trailblazers through The American Lawyer.

What is needed to nominate a Trailblazer?

All you need to nominate someone is their name, firm, contact info (only to be used if they are chosen) and up to 350 words on what makes them a Trailblazer.

What are the criteria?

We are seeking legal professionals who have made significant marks on the practice, policy and technological advancements in their sector. It’s important to understand that we are not simply looking for lawyers who have worked on big deals – we are looking for agents of change!

Can you nominate someone that has been named a Trailblazer the previous year?

While being a previous selectee does not disqualify a lawyer, we definitely view it as a negative consideration. If it’s been a few years and/or there is some new reason to consider him/her again, go ahead. Otherwise, maybe it’s not worth your time. We don’t want the list to be the same every year.

However, we have several different Trailblazers reports, and many top lawyers would qualify in more than one. If, for example, your nominee was a Litigation Trailblazer last year who does a lot of patent work, they would get full consideration for IP Trailblazers this year.

Can you submit two or three attorneys in one nomination?

If they acted as a team to accomplish one common goal, feel free to submit multiple people in one nomination.

Is there a place where I can stay up-to-date on the Trailblazer calendar?

You can find the calendar as well as any updates made to it at:

How can I receive the nomination forms as they are released?

Email [email protected] to be added to the distribution list.

Is there a limit to how many nominations a single firm can submit?

There is no limit to how many nominations you can submit; however, we try to cap the number of honorees per firm per section to five individuals.