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Colorado CLE Mini Compliance Bundle 052924

Save time with our hand-selected Compliance Bundles tailored to satisfy your mandatory state requirements.

Includes 5 Ethics & 2 Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Credits

With this bundle, you can complete twenty-three (23) of your required CLE hours, including five (5) hours in ethics and two (2) in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI). All courses in this bundle are approved by the Colorado Supreme Court.

The Colorado Supreme Court Board of Continuing Legal & Judicial Education allows attorneys to take all forty-five (45) required CLE hours online, including five (5) hours in ethics and two (2) hours in Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI).

You have one year from the date of purchase to complete your programs.

Please click here for your FAQs.

Buy Compliance Bundle $229.00 & nbsp;  

Bundle Courses

19 Courses
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60 minutes
The Ethical Danger of Getting into Bed with Your Clients
Is this program really about getting into bed with our clients? Of course….but I don’t mean sexual relationships. Well, not only sexual relationships. There are a bunch of ways that a lawyer can metaphorically get into bed with their client and all of those situations are governed by the conflicts rules in Rule 1.8. Whether it’s doing business with clients, getting a bequest from a client, or some other self-serving conflict, chances are there’s an ethical implication to doing so.

Stuart Teicher

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60 minutes
Ethics Best Practices in the Role of General Counsel & Corporate Governance
With corporate governance coming under the microscope, in house teams need to ensure they have a handle on their responsibilities to their company and as a leader in the organization. There is a balance between providing advice and mitigating risk. In addition, General Counsel in today's environment must deal with increasing scrutiny from not only the board, but also the media and government.

General Counsel Conference

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64 minutes
What to Watch Out for When Your Firm is Under Pressure
There are going to be pressures on lawyers as their firms navigate the Great Restart. Some lawyers might take shortcuts, and that could spell danger for new associates. Plus, there are some other important new angles to the post-COVID practice that you should know. Here are some dangers you might face, and how to stay out of trouble. (Ethics Rules 5.3, 1.6, and more covered)

Stuart Teicher

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