Legaltech News

Data Matters When Investigating Alleged Workplace Misconduct

Forensic technology can help augment workplace misconduct investigations and can help uncover information required to resolve these matters.
6 minute read

Corporate Counsel

Life in the (Regulated) Fast Lane: Companies Must Navigate Global Privacy Rules on Self-Driving Cars

The race is on to develop the best technology for autonomous vehicles, but there are also drives to increase regulation around the data these cars and trucks collect, a situation that poses challenges for in-house counsel.
6 minute read

New York Law Journal

Recent Developments in State Action Immunity

Antitrust Trade and Practice columnists Shepard Goldfein and Karen Hoffman Lent write: After the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions in 2012 and 2015 heightening judicial scrutiny of state action immunity, bipartisan efforts at both the state and federal levels have emerged in an attempt to minimize the potential for misuse of state action immunity, particularly among state professional licensing boards. With the Supreme Court set to hear oral arguments this month in yet another case involving state action immunity, further reform may be on the horizon.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Software Development Goes Awry When the Underlying Agreement Is Ambiguous

Technology Law columnists Richard Raysman and Peter Brown write: one of the law's most important functions is to resolve interpretative problems created by the use of ambiguous language in contracts; however, by the time a court is deciding the issue, costly litigation may have taken years. In a recent case in Pennsylvania, parties to a software development and license agreement confronted this unfortunate truth, and both left unsatisfied.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

'Solow v. W.R. Grace & Co.' and the Rebuttable Presumption Test

Under what circumstances should an attorney be disqualified from representing another party that is adverse to a present or former client of a former law firm for which the attorney was affiliated?
8 minute read

New York Law Journal

Commercial Litigation

In this Special Report: "Video Privacy Protection Act: How Will N.Y.'s Courts Protect 'Personally Identifiable Information'?," "Juxtaposition in Foreclosure Defense Litigation: Legislative Intent vs. Practical Reality," "Discovery in Cross-Border Disputes: Choosing Between Domestic Litigation and International Arbitration," "In the Heat of Dealmaking, Beware of Waiving Attorney-Client Privilege," "The 'Well-Pleaded Complaint Rule' and Pushing the Bounds Post-'McCulloch'" and "Applying N.Y.'s Borrowing Statute to Asset-Backed Securities Claims After 'Deutsche Bank'."
2 minute read

Texas Lawyer

What's So Hot About Texas? For Law Firms, Apparently Everything

The state's strong energy sector and booming economy are luring out-of-state law firms looking to boost business.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

Virtual and Augmented Reality's Legal Landmine: User-Generated Data

The content that VR and AR products host—and the data they collect—may put them on a collision course with IP laws.
4 minute read

Legaltech News

Benchmarking Cybersecurity: CISO Perspectives on Managing Evolving Global Risks

By emphasizing training, communicating effectively, and acknowledging the increased influence of the cloud, companies of all sizes in most industries are succeeding in greater numbers.
11 minute read

The Recorder

Accessibility Cases Highlight Pressure Points for Sharing Economy Companies

A lawsuit filed by Bay Area advocacy group this week against Uber Technologies Inc. highlights the accessibility issues facing sharing economy companies.
5 minute read

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