Legaltech News

Need Support for Legal Tech Project? Bridge Cost, Risk and Efficiency

Framing legal technology within the broader business terms can help organizations better understand the value and responsibilities of their modern legal departments
5 minute read

New York Law Journal

Applications and Interviews: What Not to Ask

Labor Relations columnists David E. Schwartz and Risa M. Salins examine New York City's restrictions on questioning applicants about their salary history, criminal backgrounds and credit information.
9 minute read

Legaltech News

The Impact of the Surge of Biometric Data Privacy Lawsuits Against Employers

The growing acceptance of biometric data as a form of identification for employees means that many employers will likely have to face either these or similar issues in the immediate future.
19 minute read

International Edition

British Legal Awards Law Firm of the Year 2017: why we picked the firms on the shortlist

A look at the eight firms on the shortlist for Law Firm of the Year at the British Legal Awards 2017
9 minute read

International Edition

British Legal Awards Law Firm of the Year 2017: why we picked the firms on the shortlist

A look at the eight firms on the shortlist for Law Firm of the Year at the British Legal Awards 2017
9 minute read

Legaltech News

The (Somewhat) Good News and Bad News of Corporate Cyber Readiness

The NACD's recently released Public Company Governance Survey contains both troubling and encouraging findings concerning the current state cybersecurity risk readiness.
4 minute read

Can the GRE Cure What Ails Law Schools?

An analysis provides a window into why law school deans are pinning their hopes on the GRE to boost diversity and the sheer number of applicants.
10 minute read

New York Law Journal

Shareholder Proposals in an Era of Reform

Corporate Governance columnists David A. Katz and Laura A. McIntosh write: Staff Legal Bulletin 14I should be a valuable tool for companies to minimize unnecessary costs of the shareholder proposal process while still ensuring that a worthwhile proposals will be presented for shareholder consideration. While further reform of the 14a-8 regime is necessary, SLB 14I is an important development in the right direction.
7 minute read

New York Law Journal

How Government Can Help Coasts Adapt to Climate Change

State Environmental Regulation columnist Charlotte A. Biblow writes: Given what is at stake, it would appear that the states' governors and legislators at least should begin discussing whether to pass legislation to create the commission recommended by the RPA.
9 minute read

New York Law Journal

Sealing the Deal in Mediation: Requiring Plaintiff to Appear in Person

In the experience of authors Robert D. Lang and Andrew D. Harms, the plaintiff's attendance at a mediation can mean the difference between a swift resolution, and none. They explain why, both from the plaintiff's and defendant's perspectives.
9 minute read

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