Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen

July 15, 2002 |

Laptops Weigh Less and Have More Power

Look around any airport lounge, and it's easy to spot the owners of 7-pound laptops. They're the ones without a computer. Their laptops are so heavy they just had to leave them at home. While lighter notebooks have been around awhile, the trouble, traditionally, was that as the size shrank, so did the power. But today's lightweights aren't just thinner and lighter than ever; they're also more powerful.

By Alan Cohen

11 minute read

March 04, 2009 | National Law Journal

iPhones make inroads at law firms

Even in an uncertain world, we could always count on three things: death, taxes, and the knowledge that nothing was ever going to pry a BlackBerry out of a lawyer's hand. Well, make that two things now. While the BlackBerry is by no means an endangered species, there is a new contender, and a growing number of lawyers (and their firms) are embracing it. The upstart's name — big surprise — is iPhone.

By Alan Cohen

7 minute read

July 01, 2011 | The American Lawyer

Digital's Downside

The transition from print to online is full of glitches, our tenth Law Librarian survey finds.

By Alan Cohen

7 minute read

February 07, 2012 | Legaltech News

Does iOS 5 Deliver for Law Firms?

A new version of iOS gets noticed by the bar, especially when it boasts compelling work-friendly features for mobile lawyers, writes Alan Cohen. But does iOS 5 deliver greater productivity?

By Alan Cohen

9 minute read

May 14, 2012 | Texas Lawyer

The New iPad Features Some Welcome Enhancements

When Apple released its first iPad two years ago, some people joked that the most dangerous job on Earth was driving for UPS. Buyers who had pre-purchased the tablets mobbed the trucks delivering them; no one wanted to wait another minute for their device. That kind of frenzy didn't quite happen this spring when Apple introduced the third version of its now-iconic gadget called iPad — not iPad 3.

By Alan Cohen

7 minute read

February 04, 2011 | Daily Report Online

Law firms adapt to lawyer demands for consumer technology

Lawyers have come a long way since the days when their secretaries printed their e-mails and despairing IT directors begged to place PCs on mahogany desk tops. Now, armed with enviable discretionary income and an obvious taste for gadgets, lawyers have embraced the latest gear; few self-respecting partners stride into business class without their Kindle, iPad or Android phone in hand.

By Alan Cohen

15 minute read

October 01, 2011 | The American Lawyer

Herding Apps

Behind every great smartphone is a great app, or?to judge from some lawyers' devices?10,000 of them. But while apps mean convenience and productivity for lawyers, they can mean headaches for firms.

By Alan Cohen

9 minute read

May 07, 2012 | Legaltech News

Apple's Old New iPad

The new iPad returns to its old name, but has substantial hardware improvements that warrant the attention, if not the excitement, of legal professionals, writes freelance writer Alan Cohen.

By Alan Cohen

7 minute read

October 17, 2013 | The American Lawyer

Big Law Social Media Success Strategies

Am Law 200 firms are turning to Twitter and other social media sites to connect with clients, but some are doing it better than others.

By Alan Cohen

7 minute read

April 01, 2013 | Texas Lawyer

Is the Apple iPad Mini Ready for Business?

The real strength — and differentiator — of the iPad Mini is that it changes this status quo. Here is a tablet that brings the key advantages being small and suitable for business use.

By Alan Cohen

5 minute read