Alex Vorro

Alex Vorro

August 02, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Porn site points finger at Megaupload

Perhaps the Internet’s most infamous (and possibly popular) pastime and subject continues its fight against piracy. Adult entertainment website Perfect 10 currently has file storage website Megaupload in its crosshairs, claiming the Megaupload encourages users to illegally distribute its content.

By Alex Vorro

2 minute read

August 01, 2011 | Inside Counsel

BofA still bleeding from Countrywide conundrum

Things continue to worsen for Bank of America (BofA). After hoping to quell the disquiet from former Countrywide Financial Corp. investors that lost money during the housing collapse with an $8.5-billion settlement last month, BofA is facing a new suit from 15 plaintiffs that believe the agreement is unfair.

By Alex Vorro

2 minute read

July 31, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

Not all commute time compensable under "continuous workday" rule

2nd Circuit case reminds employers to clarify what constitutes working time.

By Alex Vorro

13 minute read

July 31, 2011 | Corporate Counsel

David Zimmerman is a team player as GC of the NHL

Lawyer's dedication keeps the hockey league in order.

By Alex Vorro

14 minute read

July 28, 2011 | Inside Counsel faces class action

The do-it-yourself ethic has spawned a great following in America over the years, but one Midwestern state is now fighting back against the cause for self-empowerment, citing a statute last updated during Franklin Roosevelt’s presidency.

By Alex Vorro

2 minute read

July 27, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Texas governor to sign “loser pays” bill

While Texas Governor Rick Perry didn’t accomplish his ultimate goal of a strict loser-pays bill in his quest to reform the state’s tort laws, today marks the day when he will make good on his campaign promises by signing a watered-down version of the bill into law.

By Alex Vorro

1 minute read

July 26, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Connecticut law requires employers to protect employees

Workplace violence isn’t just for the U.S. Postal Service anymore. Connecticut health care employers will now be required by law to protect their employees from office aggression.

By Alex Vorro

3 minute read

July 25, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Game on for the NFL

It’s been a long time coming, but the National Football League finally quelled nearly five months of labor discord and agreed to a 10-year deal.

By Alex Vorro

3 minute read

July 22, 2011 | Inside Counsel

Kim Kardashian slaps Old Navy with celebrity look-alike suit

Oh, the pitfalls of celebrity… Socialite, reality TV star, businesswoman, etc. Kim Kardashian is keeping the presses printing lately, but this time thanks to a lawsuit against retailer Old Navy and its parent company, Gap Inc.

By Alex Vorro

2 minute read

July 21, 2011 | Inside Counsel

More hard knocks for NFL

With football fans likely frothing at the mouth in anticipation of the National Football League finally settling its lockout in the next few days, a second labor issue has reared its woozy head.

By Alex Vorro

2 minute read