Alexa Woronowicz

Alexa Woronowicz

Alexa Woronowicz is chief copy editor for ALM and associate editor for The Legal Intelligencer. Contact her at [email protected] or on Twitter @AWoronowiczTLI.

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September 24, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Why GCs Will Appreciate the Governance Recommendations in Kodak Independent Counsel Report

The report serves to support the oft-referenced link between effective governance practices and legal compliance. As a result, it is worthwhile reading for the corporate general counsel.

By Michael W. Peregrine

6 minute read

September 23, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Crisis Management: From Anticipation to Action – Tactics for Multinational Companies Navigating Cross-Border Catastrophes

This third installment focuses on how to develop an educated and effective—and careful—approach to crisis communication in the international business setting.

By Sneha Desai, Kaitlyn E. Stone and Michael C. Zogby

12 minute read

September 16, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

How Public Companies Can Protect Against SEC Scrutiny Related to COVID-19

All public companies must consider the anticipated scrutiny they will receive from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the possible risk they face from SEC Enforcement if they do not proceed with caution.

By Britt Latham and Brian Irving

6 minute read

September 14, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Taking the Long-Term View: Reconciling Stakeholder Capitalism With Stockholder Primacy

To fulfill their fiduciary duties, directors of Delaware corporations should ensure that in making decisions in the interests of stakeholders, their focus is on stockholders' long-term interests.

By Teresa Johnson and Nate Klein

6 minute read

September 09, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Two Timely Governance Topics for Upcoming Board Meetings

Two important governance issues for agenda consideration relate to the company's possible commitment to principles of stakeholder capitalism, and to consideration of possible governance "lessons learned" from the pandemic.

By Michael W. Peregrine

6 minute read

September 03, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

The All Zoom Hire

It took six months into the pandemic for our firm to close on an "all Zoom hire." Meaning: At no point did the new placement, now an assistant general counsel for a financial services company, walk into our client's HQ facility or meet with her new boss.

By Mike Evers

3 minute read

September 02, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Going From Zero to 60—How to Get Your Legal Team Up to Speed

Dan Panitz and H. Bruce Gordon discuss getting the corporate legal team up to speed and driving through the gears in the most effective order.

By Dan Panitz and H. Bruce Gordon

9 minute read

September 01, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

The Table in the Boardroom: Ways to Increase Diversity

When a candidate is asked to meet broad, unrealistic and unnecessary expectations, the pond shrinks to traditional profiles of older, white and male.

By Sarah Feingold

7 minute read

August 31, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

What Does the Zoom Boom Mean for E-Discovery?

An aspect of this shift to remote work that has been less discussed is the impact remote working has had on tools and methods of communication—and what that means for discovery of digital evidence.

By Catherine "Cat" A. Casey

10 minute read

August 25, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Why Having the Right Data at the Right Time Is Paramount to Corporate Legal's New Normal

Think about any given piece of data your organization has and ask yourself if you can say where it is located, who has access to it, how it is maintained and how it gets used. Many companies struggle to answer even those basic questions—much less whether the data is correct and complete.

By Chris Fritsch and Jonathan Reed

7 minute read