Allison Dunn

Allison Dunn

Allison Dunn is a reporter on ALM's Rapid Response desk based in Ohio, covering impactful litigation filings and rulings, emerging legal trends, controversies in the industry, and everything in between. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @AllisonDWrites.

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August 22, 2023 |

Joining 'Majority of Courts,' Federal Judge Finds Cellphones Entitled to TCPA Protection, OKs Case to Proceed

"The parties dispute whether Tessu's cellphone qualifies for protection because Congress intended the Do-Not-Call Registry 'to protect residential subscribers' privacy rights.' 47 U.S.C. § 227(c)(1). AdaptHealth contends that a cell phone cannot be a residential telephone under the TCPA. Plaintiff argues that it can, citing the 2003 FCC Order," Gallagher wrote.

By Allison Dunn

6 minute read

August 21, 2023 |

Maryland High Court Deeply Split Over Scope of COVID-19 Judicial Administrative Tolling Orders

In a 4-3 ruling, the Maryland Supreme Court interpreted a former chief justice's administrative COVID-19 orders concerning the scope of a 15-day extension as pertaining only to the period from March 16, 2020 through July 20, 2020—the dates on which the court clerks' offices were closed to the public—rather than to the entirety of the judiciary emergency orders.

By Allison Dunn

6 minute read

August 16, 2023 |

'Significant Guidepost in Bank Litigation': Va. Appeals Court Rules Credit Union Not Liable for Scam Wire Transfers

"We decline to extend a duty to mandate the reporting of elder abuse or to mandate an action by a financial institution when elder abuse is suspected where the plain language of a statute clearly says otherwise," the appeals court said.

By Allison Dunn

7 minute read

August 15, 2023 |

Communications Between State AGs in 'Anticipation of Litigation' May Be Privileged, High Court Rules

"Here, the documents and communications at issue were shared by the AGO with the AGOs of other states in an effort to unify its strategy and conserve resources with regard to environmental litigation that the AGO has considered pursuing or predicted defending against. The very nature of disclosing these documents to the chief law enforcement officer in the respective state only bolsters that these documents were prepared in anticipation of litigation," Associate Justice Nancy J. Waples wrote on behalf of the court.

By Allison Dunn

5 minute read

August 15, 2023 |

Divided Maryland Supreme Court Rejects 'Sexual Orientation' as Protected Employment Category Under State Equal Pay Law

The plaintiff, John Doe, a data analyst at Catholic Relief Services, sued his employer after CRS abruptly terminated his legal spouse's health benefits after more than a year of coverage when the organization discovered the couple's homosexual marriage.

By Allison Dunn

7 minute read

August 08, 2023 |

'You Have to Take Broader Actions': Susman Godfrey Counsel to Lead Virginia IDEA Appeal to 4th Circuit

"You hear stories from parents and all they want is to take care of their children, to give their children a chance at an education. And the roadblocks that they run into—it's heart-wrenching. They're all begging for help, but you can't go litigating on behalf of 100,000 individuals. You have to take broader actions, which is why we are here," Susman Godfrey partner Bill Merrill told

By Allison Dunn

7 minute read

July 31, 2023 |

Reproductive Health Agencies Sue Alabama AG Over State's 'Abortion Travel Ban'

"Attorney General Marshall's threats require healthcare providers in Alabama to choose between their own liberty and freedom, and their ethical responsibility to fully inform pregnant patients of their healthcare options out of state. Over the last year, these threats have prevented pregnant Alabamians from accessing comprehensive information about their legal healthcare options, and the support they may depend on to access those options," Alison Mollman, senior counsel with the ACLU of Alabama, said in a statement. "The consequences are not theoretical, they are real and can be deadly. It's time for Attorney General Marshall's threats to be recognized for what they are: unconstitutional and contrary to Alabama law."

By Allison Dunn

4 minute read

July 28, 2023 | The Recorder

Hyundai, Kia, Genesis Hit With Class Action Over Electric Vehicle Charging Times

This complaint was first surfaced by Radar.

By Allison Dunn

6 minute read

July 27, 2023 | Corporate Counsel

Regulators, Big Tech Walk Fine Line in Quest to Quell Public's AI Anxiety

Foley & Lardner partner Louis Lehot said Big Tech wants to help lessen worries about AI's downsides, but without "getting stuck with some type of legislation or regulation that doesn't make any sense or that crushes it."

By Allison Dunn

5 minute read

July 25, 2023 |

VSB Clients' Protection Fund Board Pays $175K on 13 Petitions Involving 9 Attorneys

The largest single award was a payment of $65,192 to the beneficiary of an estate in which Richard Gibson Wohltman was a co-executor. The board found that Wohltman committed dishonest conduct in theft, conversion, embezzlement or withholding money from the estate, and that the attorney did not perform the work for which he billed services, according to the bar's media release.

By Allison Dunn

3 minute read