Amanda Ciccatelli

Amanda Ciccatelli

January 04, 2018 | Inside Counsel

Can Employees Tell the Difference Between a Phishing Email and a Normal Email?

Did you know that the average large company loses $3.7 million every single year to phishing attacks? When an email attack reaches an employee's…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

6 minute read

January 03, 2018 | Inside Counsel

Why Legal and Financial Services Firms Get Stuck Paying Ransom to Hackers

As of late, ransomware has been making headlines again, most recently with the WannaCry malware. The computer code encrypts files on computers, making…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

4 minute read

January 02, 2018 | Inside Counsel

How the #MeToo Movement Has Impacted Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Over the past 10 years, sexism has been constant. it is simply a view that women are inferior to men and should play subordinate roles at work and…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

3 minute read

January 02, 2018 | Inside Counsel

How to Combat Stolen Credential Threats

Between Equifax, Yahoo! and other major breaches, criminals have so much information on us, login credentials are almost meaningless. There is likely…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

5 minute read

December 29, 2017 | Inside Counsel

A New Way to Resolve Workplace Sexual Harassment

Weinstein. Lauer. Franken. Conyers. Now Mario Batali. Who's next? As news of sexual harassment scandals break, employers are taking a closer look…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

7 minute read

December 27, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Online Shopping Spikes Malware Infections: Is the Worst Yet to Come?

Even though malware infections spiked after the first weekend of online holiday shopping, the biggest spike may be yet to come. Last year the biggest…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

4 minute read

December 27, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Law Firms Are Finally Making Moves to Standardize and Streamline Billing Processes

For years, law firms have experienced pushback from clients on their billing processes. And while firms are working to redefine the billable hour and…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

5 minute read

December 21, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Billion-Dollar Technology Dispute Resolved with 'Gig Judiciary'

FedArb, a Silicon Valley-based alternative dispute resolution firm, was recently involved in helping bring to resolution a $1 billion-plus cathode…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

3 minute read

December 20, 2017 | Inside Counsel

Sexual Harassment Training Must Focus on Prevention and Reporting

In 2018, there will likely be an uptick in harassment claims, and there will need to be more human resources support or external legal support to…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

4 minute read

December 19, 2017 | Inside Counsel

How a Law Firm Disproved a Whistleblower in Seven Days and Saved $270,000

National law firm Drinker Biddle recently used analytics to predict and prevent misconduct before it happened. Bennett Borden, co-chair of the information…

By Amanda Ciccatelli

3 minute read