July 13, 2011 | The Recorder
DLA Piper Taking Fat-Busting Company PublicBy Amy Miller
1 minute read
August 02, 2011 | Law.com
Morgan, Lewis Team Wins $115 Million in Patent SuitBy Amy Miller
2 minute read
May 28, 2010 | Corporate Counsel
Hey Law Firms: Get a Blog ... NOW, or Clients Will Pass You ByIf you haven't already, it's time to get on board. A recent survey of the social media habits of 164 in-house counsel says that attorney-written blogs are increasingly starting to influence which law firms companies decide to hire.
By Amy Miller
3 minute read
May 19, 2010 | Corporate Counsel
Bank of America: The D.C. Protests Didn't Happen That WayOfficials at the bank deny reports that Gregory Baer, one of their deputy GCs, told raucous protesters at his D.C. home that he didn't 'have time for you.' Baer did tell the angry crowd that he needed to be with his frightened teenage son, the bank said.
By Amy Miller
2 minute read
July 28, 2011 | Law.com
Google's Head of Litigation Leaves for Perkins CoieTimothy Alger is leaving his job as head of litigation at Google to join Perkins Coie as a litigation partner. "I missed doing hands-on litigation. Just being a manager wasn't as exciting to me as being a litigator," says Alger. And one of his first clients at his new job will be Google.
By Amy Miller
3 minute read
September 24, 2010 | The Recorder
Patent Court Taps Valley Lawyers for Spots on Advisory CouncilBy Amy Miller
1 minute read
July 21, 2009 | Corporate Counsel
Head of the ClassUsually, the currently serving chief legal officer of a thriving global conglomerate takes the top spot in our annual compensation survey. That was before the global recession. This year, the honor goes to Gregory Doody, an expert in bankruptcy law whose take-home pay from the Calpine Corp. was $9.7 million.
By Amy Miller
2 minute read
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