Andrew Ramonas

Andrew Ramonas

January 28, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Trying Again on Electronic Communications Privacy Law

Sens. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., and Mike Lee, R-Utah, vowed to reintroduce legislation backed by the technology industry barring warrantless searches of personal emails and other data U.S. citizens put in the cloud.

By Andrew Ramonas

2 minute read

January 26, 2015 | National Law Journal

Banks Want Merchants to Chip in After a Data Breach

After President Barack Obama's calls this month for cybersecurity legislation, the finance sector is trying to ensure that banks and merchants share the legal and regulatory burden for consumer data protection.

By Andrew Ramonas

1 minute read

January 26, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Banks Want Merchants to Chip In After a Data Breach

After President Barack Obama's calls for cybersecurity legislation, the finance sector is trying to ensure that banks and merchants share the legal and regulatory burden for consumer data protection.

By Andrew Ramonas

3 minute read

January 26, 2015 | National Law Journal

Banks Want Merchants to Chip in After a Data Breach

After President Barack Obama's calls this month for cybersecurity legislation, the finance sector is trying to ensure that banks and merchants share the legal and regulatory burden for consumer data protection.

By Andrew Ramonas

1 minute read

January 26, 2015 | National Law Journal

The Morning Wrap

A round up of legal news from ALM publications and around the web: cameras in the U.S. Supreme Court, going nuclear, drones and U.S. attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch's letters.

By Andrew Ramonas

1 minute read

January 26, 2015 | Corporate Counsel

Banks Want Merchants to Chip In After a Data Breach

After President Barack Obama's calls for cybersecurity legislation, the finance sector is trying to ensure that banks and merchants share the legal and regulatory burden for consumer data protection.

By Andrew Ramonas

3 minute read

January 26, 2015 | National Law Journal

The Morning Wrap

A round up of legal news from ALM publications and around the web: cameras in the U.S. Supreme Court, going nuclear, drones and U.S. attorney general nominee Loretta Lynch's letters.

By Andrew Ramonas

1 minute read

January 26, 2015 | National Law Journal

Drone Law Practices Are Beginning to Take Flight

Lawyers and lobbyists are recruiting clients for what they hope will prove a lucrative field.

By Andrew Ramonas and Katelyn Polantz

6 minute read

January 25, 2015 | National Law Journal

Drone Law Practices Are Beginning to Take Flight

Lawyers and lobbyists are recruiting clients for what they hope will prove a lucrative field.

By Andrew Ramonas and Katelyn Polantz

6 minute read

January 23, 2015 | National Law Journal

Ex-Wikimedia Counsel Takes Libertarian Think Tank GC Job

Mike Godwin, a former top lawyer for Wikipedia operator Wikimedia Foundation Inc., will serve as the first general counsel and innovation policy director of the libertarian think tank R Street Institute, the Washington, D.C.-based group announced Thursday.

By Andrew Ramonas

1 minute read