Angela Morris

Angela Morris

Angela Morris is ALM Media's Texas litigation reporter. She covers lawsuits in all levels of Texas state and federal courts. Based in Austin, Morris earned journalism and government degrees from the University of Texas at Austin in 2006, and since then, has worked primarily as a reporter and writer, but also has skills in videography, photography and podcasts. Follow her on Twitter at @AMorrisReports.

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May 08, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Five Pot Bills Moving Through Legislature

Who would have thought the Texas Legislature might take steps to legalize marijuana—in some form—or at least cut the punishment for minor offenses?

By Angela Morris

3 minute read

May 07, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Fracking Ban Bill Heads to Governor's Desk

Supporters and opponents of House Bill 40 disagreed about whether the bill would increase or decrease litigation; how the proposal would balance property rights against the public's health and safety; and more.

By Angela Morris

3 minute read

May 07, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Fracking Ban Bill Heads to Governor's Desk

Supporters and opponents of House Bill 40 disagreed about whether the bill would increase or decrease litigation; how the proposal would balance property rights against the public's health and safety; and more.

By Angela Morris

3 minute read

May 06, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Senate Passes Three-Judge Court Bill

"It's just my general sense that this is an effort to prevent this kind of litigation," said Rick Gray, partner in Gray & Becker in Austin, who has been involved in school finance and redistricting cases for over 30 years.

By Angela Morris

4 minute read

May 06, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Senate Passes Three-Judge Court Bill

"It's just my general sense that this is an effort to prevent this kind of litigation," said Rick Gray, partner in Gray & Becker in Austin, who has been involved in school finance and redistricting cases for over 30 years.

By Angela Morris

4 minute read

May 05, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Lawyer Oath Bill Headed to Governor

A bill to require new lawyers to swear to behave with integrity and civility has sailed through the Texas Legislature and will soon land on Gov. Greg Abbott's desk.

By Angela Morris

1 minute read

May 05, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Lawyer Oath Bill Headed to Governor

A bill to require new lawyers to swear to behave with integrity and civility has sailed through the Texas Legislature and will soon land on Gov. Greg Abbott's desk.

By Angela Morris

1 minute read

May 04, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Reforms in Insurance Litigation Bill

The Senate debated, amended and passed a bill with sweeping reforms that would affect a lawsuit between a property owner and an insurance company that acted unfairly or deceptively, or failed to pay a property insurance claim promptly.

By Angela Morris

2 minute read

May 04, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

President Obama Taps Texan for U.S. Tax Court

"Elizabeth [Copeland] has demonstrated unwavering integrity and dedication throughout her career," said President Barack Obama about his intent to nominate a San Antonio lawyer for the U.S. Tax Court.

By Angela Morris

1 minute read

May 04, 2015 | Texas Lawyer

Reforms in Insurance Litigation Bill

The Senate debated, amended and passed a bill with sweeping reforms that would affect a lawsuit between a property owner and an insurance company that acted unfairly or deceptively, or failed to pay a property insurance claim promptly.

By Angela Morris

2 minute read