Angela Turturro

Angela Turturro

Angela Turturro is the Sections editor for the New York Law Journal and head of the Contributed Content desk for ALM.

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February 08, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Developing Your Legal Niche Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint

Ioana Good says midsize firms can own their niche by positioning themselves as thought leaders in a set of industries or practice groups.

By Ioana Good

5 minute read

February 08, 2023 | New York Law Journal

The Muddy Waters of Insider Trading Law Just Got Muddier

The procedural posture of 'Blaszczak' adds new cracks to the already unstable foundation of insider trading precedent.

By Robert J. Anello and Richard F. Albert

11 minute read

February 08, 2023 |

Tenth Circuit Holds That Foreign Arbitration Award Still Subject to Confirmation in the US Despite Foreign Court's Post-Confirmation Annulment of Arbitration Award

In 'Compañía De Inversiones Mercantiles S.A. v. Grupo Cementos De Chihuahua S.A.B. De C.V.', the Tenth Circuit affirmed the district court's refusal to vacate an earlier U.S. judgment confirming a foreign arbitration award.

By Christopher Jackson and Jessica Smith

8 minute read

February 08, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Protecting the Crown Jewels: Energy Companies' Increased Use of Technology Means More Trade Secret Risk

As energy companies develop and use new technologies, it is critical that they maintain a laser focus on protecting their most valuable information.

By Jillian Beck

5 minute read

February 08, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

Strategic Considerations for Developing Underground Storage Assets in Texas

Assuming that 'Myers-Woodward' is not overturned by the Texas Supreme Court, and the law becomes more settled that pore space, if not contractually conveyed to the mineral estate, is owned by the surface estate, then surface owners may have new opportunities to exploit their storage assets.

By Archie Fallon and Tyler Wills

7 minute read

February 08, 2023 | New York Law Journal

NLRB Developments: Expanded Remedies, Micro Units and More

This column addresses several recent Board rulings that have a significant impact for all U.S. employers, including those without a unionized workforce.

By David E. Schwartz and Emily D. Safko

9 minute read

February 08, 2023 | New York Law Journal

GAO Report on Legal Finance Reflects Positively on Industry

As an objective and non-partisan analysis of the legal finance industry, the GAO report carries weight, and thus it is meaningful that its findings emphasize so many of the positive benefits provided by legal finance to law and to business.

By David Perla

6 minute read

February 07, 2023 | New York Law Journal

'No Legitimate Purpose' Is Served by Protecting Leaker's Identity

This case is different from other leak cases in that the leaker was not disclosing any governmental misconduct.

By Alan M. Dershowitz

1 minute read

February 07, 2023 | New York Law Journal

In New York, the 'Ironclad' Agreement May Be More Myth Than Reality

The path towards trying to achieve unbreakable, or "ironclad" agreements for our clients may have just gotten a lot more treacherous in New York.

By Alan Feigenbaum

8 minute read

February 07, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Dershowitz and Addressing the Supreme Court Leak

Yes, the good professor is correct—great and continuing damage was inflicted on the Court's reputational integrity due to the leak. Surprisingly, though, he's willing to let the camel's nose inside the tent in order to get to the bottom of this particular scandal.

By Joel Cohen

5 minute read