Anthony Paonita

Anthony Paonita

February 26, 2007 | National Law Journal

Outside counsel face tech quizzes

When Aon Corp. slashed its outside counsel roster from about 400 to 23 law firms in 2005, it quizzed the firms about their technology offerings.

By Anthony Paonita / Corporate Counsel

7 minute read

April 01, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

In Her Own Write

Helen Wan: Associate General Counsel, Time Inc.

By Anthony Paonita

4 minute read

April 29, 2002 |

Lit Support Goes Digital

What options do lawyers litigating on a budget have when it comes to using digital images and video? Visual litigation aids are a must, but until fairly recently, getting your stuff into a computer was complicated and kludgy. But with the proliferation of cheap -- and good -- digital cameras and camcorders, it's pretty easy to film accident scenes, scenarios and whatever else you need to demonstrate your case.

By Anthony Paonita

6 minute read

June 12, 2001 |

The Wired Will Survive

Revolutions generate counter-revolutions. And when the dot-com world tanked, pundits everywhere proclaimed the end of certain habits of the young, rich and wired. Suits are back, lattes passi -- and there's a certain cachet to being out-of-touch, isn't there? Sorry. Like all revolutions, we've just thrown out the excesses while keeping the best. And for good reason: Wired just works.

By Anthony Paonita

6 minute read

September 28, 2000 |

Cell Phones: Finding a Provider

Columnist Anthony Paonita has some issues with cellular phones. His first two cell phones were paid for by his company, but had the most annoying habits. Now he has a no-frills digital phone, but he has to pay for its use himself, and the tab can mount. So it was with trepidation that he agreed to help a friend find a new phone. As the clichi goes, it's a jungle out there.

By Anthony Paonita

7 minute read

May 22, 2006 | National Law Journal

Techies' vision: automated law

Exploring ways to automate company lawyers' jobs is a new development in the in-house world.

By Anthony Paonita/Corporate Counsel

4 minute read

October 15, 2012 | National Law Journal

More of an evolution than a revolution

Four years after the financial meltdown, has a revolution come about in the way corporate legal departments hire and deploy outside counsel? Is the in-house/outside firm relationship different? Are law firms changing age-old practices and doing everything they can to keep their cherished clients? Well, yes and no.

By Anthony Paonita

9 minute read

December 11, 2000 |

Rugged Laptops: The SUVs of Portables

Sometimes, a hard-driving lawyer needs a computer with guts. War zones may not beckon, but there are construction sites, overhead compartments, temperature extremes and other hazards to a computer's delicate innards. Fortunately, laptops come in a variety of "rugged" versions now -- all of which must conform to U.S. Army standards. You just never know when a bulldozer's going to run over your laptop.

By Anthony Paonita

6 minute read

March 07, 2002 |

It's the Product, Dummkopf!

In the late 1990s, print ads heralded the return of the beloved Volkswagen Beetle: "If you sold your soul in the '80s here's your chance to buy it back." Whereas for Americans the old Beetle was an emblem of the swinging '60s, for Germans it was a throwback to Nazism and postwar austerity. Such cultural differences between the U.S. and Germany is just one of the themes explored in David Kiley's book, "Getting the Bugs Out."

By Anthony Paonita

5 minute read

February 24, 2012 | Corporate Counsel

Time Inc. In-House Lawyer Writes a Novel

Helen Wan, an associate general counsel at Time Inc., talks about her day job and her new novel, The Firm Outing.

By Anthony Paonita

6 minute read