July 22, 2016 | New York Law Journal
Preparing Agreements for the Worst, and Best, of TimesIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi discusses a recent case from a Colorado state court, which illustrates how the absence of an agreement led to litigation among lawyers and suggests how the existence of an agreement may have avoided such disputes.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
16 minute read
May 27, 2016 | New York Law Journal
Formulating Retirement Policies That Value Senior LawyersIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi analyzes some of the issues concerning law firm partner retirement, including some interesting retirement statistics, and examines how other professions address issues regarding their senior members to discern whether their policies can be translated into law firm life.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
20 minute read
March 25, 2016 | New York Law Journal
Unraveling the Mystery of Law Firm Capital AccountsIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes: Recently it has been reported that disputes over law firm partners' capital in their firms have increased. Regardless of whether this constitutes a trend that will continue, what appears to be an assured constant is law firm partners' perennial confusion and consternation concerning the nature of law firm capital and what happens to one's capital upon departure.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
18 minute read
January 22, 2016 | New York Law Journal
Debating Nonlawyer Ownership of Law FirmsIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi reviews the current state of the law on nonlawyer ownership of law firms, addresses some of the arguments on both sides of the issue, and offers some observations on what, if anything, can be done to address the points made by both camps.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
13 minute read
November 27, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Round Up of 2015 Developments on Business PracticesIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes: The year 2015 presented a number of interesting developments concerning law firms and the practice of law. Once again, proving that lawyers never give in, a number of the decisions concern inventive attempts by lawyers and their clients to obtain results, which theretofore, they had been denied. As you will see, in some circumstances their 2015 labors succeeded and in others they did not (there is always 2016...).
By Arthur J. Ciampi
9 minute read
November 25, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Round Up of 2015 Developments on Business PracticesIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes: The year 2015 presented a number of interesting developments concerning law firms and the practice of law. Once again, proving that lawyers never give in, a number of the decisions concern inventive attempts by lawyers and their clients to obtain results, which theretofore, they had been denied. As you will see, in some circumstances their 2015 labors succeeded and in others they did not (there is always 2016...).
By Arthur J. Ciampi
9 minute read
September 25, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Variations on the Theme of 'Unfinished Business'In his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes that despite the demise of the application of "unfinished business" to hourly matters, a decision issued this spring by U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon presents a somewhat inventive variation on the "unfinished business" theme concerning which law firms and their partners should be aware.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
9 minute read
September 24, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Variations on the Theme of 'Unfinished Business'In his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes that despite the demise of the application of "unfinished business" to hourly matters, a decision issued this spring by U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon presents a somewhat inventive variation on the "unfinished business" theme concerning which law firms and their partners should be aware.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
9 minute read
July 24, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Drafting Effective Dispute Resolution ClausesIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes: Given that partnership agreements provide for maximum flexibility, which permit partners to craft virtually any economic relationship they want, the dispute resolution clause of a law firm agreement can be configured with little restraint and should be thought of and used as a tool to make the resolution process efficient and fair.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
11 minute read
July 23, 2015 | New York Law Journal
Drafting Effective Dispute Resolution ClausesIn his Law Firm Partnership Law column, Arthur J. Ciampi writes: Given that partnership agreements provide for maximum flexibility, which permit partners to craft virtually any economic relationship they want, the dispute resolution clause of a law firm agreement can be configured with little restraint and should be thought of and used as a tool to make the resolution process efficient and fair.
By Arthur J. Ciampi
11 minute read
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