Bari Weinberger

Bari Weinberger

March 19, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

Wills, Prenups and Divorce: Unpacking Spousal Estate Claims After Death

"Attorneys who practice either family law or estates law will eventually have clients who need to know how their estate plans are affected by divorce, and vice versa," according to Bari Weinberger of Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group.

By Bari Weinberger

9 minute read

January 22, 2024 | New Jersey Law Journal

A Child Custody Framework for Avoiding Court Delays and Moving Families Forward

In 2024, helping our clients become unstuck in their custody issues requires looking beyond the standard model that "conflict=court" to find innovative solutions that sidestep court delays while still protecting children's best interests.

By Bari Weinberger

10 minute read

October 05, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Quick Divorce? How Mediation Could Help Solve the NJ Court Crisis

How are we ever going to dig out of this mess? The answer to helping the courts—and our clients—break free from the backlog could lie in our ability to lean into methods of alternative dispute resolution, including mediation, in new and creative ways.

By Bari Weinberger

8 minute read

August 18, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Married Against Their Will: Religious Law and Coercive Control

As a frequent, but often "under the radar" form of domestic abuse, coercive control is behavior in which one spouse obstructs the other spouse's personal liberties through tactics that exert power and manipulative control over the victim and ultimately undermine their autonomy and independence.

By Bari Weinberger

8 minute read

June 05, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Child Custody: Why Cookie-Cutter 50/50 Won't Pass Muster in 2023

The practice of equal parenting time is now so common that it has brought us to a legal crossroads: Is it time to make shared custody a rebuttable presumption in child custody cases?

By Bari Weinberger

9 minute read

March 27, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Documenting Parental Alienating Behaviors and Custody Interference

The problem with parental alienation in the courts stems from its lack of formal recognition as a "scientifically reliable" theory, a controversy that has contributed to scant case law on the topic.

By Bari Weinberger

7 minute read

January 30, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Divorce in 2023: What NJ Spouses Need To Consider

As 2023 begins, it is up to the legal community to not only educate our clients about the realities of the strained family court system, but also help them understand the opportunities and choices they can make to still expedite their divorce matters, even during these trying times.

By Bari Weinberger

8 minute read

December 01, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Don't Take My Kids: Red Flags and Responsibilities in Child Custody Cases

The circumstances in recent cases are tragic. However, they each contain important lessons for us about heeding red flags in family matters and understanding what we can do to help stop cases like these from happening again.

By Bari Weinberger

9 minute read

October 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Travel Rewards: Don't Miss These Valuable Overlooked Assets in Divorce 

Spouses headed for a marital split sometimes don't realize that frequent-flyer miles and other bonus programs may translate into valuable marital assets.

By Bari Weinberger

9 minute read

August 22, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Peter Pan Support: When Can Parents Stop Financially Supporting Adult Children? 

Do you have clients whose grown children have recently moved back in? Or maybe clients whose kids never moved out to begin with? How do we help our clients know where and how to draw the line?

By Bari Weinberger

8 minute read

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